Advertise Safety Jobs

Advertising Rates


For casual advertisers each job advertisement published, is charged at $160 +GST (effective 1 July  2013). We will invoice you after publication.

Discounted Value Ad Packs for frequent advertisers
Our Value Ad Packs are best suited to larger employers or recruitment companies, who anticipate advertising numerous times throughout the year.

Value Ad Packs remain valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. Prices are in Australian dollars.

   5  adverts    $500    + GST  (price per ad $100 - saving $300)
  10 adverts    $900    + GST  (price per ad $90 - saving $700)
  20 adverts    $1600  + GST  (price per ad $80 - saving $1600)

How do I order a Value Ad Pack?

Simply email your first advert(s) to be included in the Value Ad Pack to and clearly state in your email which Value Ad Pack you wish to purchase.

We will publish your submitted advert(s), invoice you for the Value Ad Pack and record your remaining credit in our accounting system.

Recruitment Agencies who wish to advertise on a weekly basis (5+ ads per month) should contact us on 1300 881 390 to discuss monthly contracts.


We will invoice you after publication of your advert - please include your address for invoicing when submitting your ad copy. Our invoices include details of how to pay by Credit Card (Visa or Mastercard), EFT or cheque.